Who should be Bernie’s VP

Gabriel — Tigre De Métal
5 min readMar 19, 2019

The Democratic primaries have not begun that Bernies bros already speculate on Bernie’s victory. (If he doesn’t get sabotaged again)
This essay will take for granted that Bernie leads the polls and will have to carefully select his running mate as a matter of strategy. Because he is very old, the likelihood of the said VP to fulfill his/her role is quite stronger than usual so the choice of VP may have a greater impact.

Note that this is an opinion/analysis by an admin-member of the “Alternative Left”, the “libertarian” “class reductionist” left. A lot of informations are sourced from the discussion groups and the wonderful political channel Question Time. Despite being enlightened rationalists who oppose IdPol, we realize that voters can be tribalist and will take it into account, hence why I make mentions of it.

Tulsi Gabbard

Bernie Sanders + Tulsi Gabbard is the wet dream of my community. (Alternative Left) Bernie is already the “king” of domestic policies while Gabbard is the “queen” of foreign policies. Sometimes, Bernie has fallen to the hawkishnes of American Imperialism and Anti-Russian sanctions. It would be wonderful to keep that in check with a staunch non-interventionist so we can be “set straight” in that regard.
Regarding IdPol and KulturKamph ; Tulsi was a loyalist to bernie in 2016. If Bernie was to select Rep. Gabbard, it would send a message to the smear crowd. To be clear, Tulsi Gabbard was smeared by the right for being an “Assad apologist” for .. you know .. not being a warhawk who is hungry for regime changes abroad. She was also smeared from her left in regards to her comments on LGBT activists 12 years ago. Her comments are sure regrettable but I believe she is far from over it if we look at her warm apology video, the last decade of positive voting record and the LGBTQ people actively supporting her.
On the plus side, she has the woman card and the color card. On the negative side, Miss Gabbard has low polling numbers so her joining Bernie would not increase the Dems chances of winning.

Elizabeth Ann Warren

Bernie Sanders + Elizabeth Warren is the top progressive combo. Sen Warren as a senator is responsible for many progressive policies in her respective state and the senate such as the Bureau of Consumer Protection. (Which for me is a DUH why didn’t they have it before)
Most of us “brogressives” will never forget her turning back to Clinton in the last month of the 2016 Primary. It was a strategic move at the time, because in politics we can never get everything we want.
Mrs. Warren currently polls 8% in Primary intentions at 4th position. Joining Bernie would consolidate the progressive base and guarantee his victory in the Primary. My concern would be up to the election.
Strategically, it would be hard for two east coast northerners with basically the same ideas to rally support from all states and across the political moderates.
My second concern is the 1/1024 joke. While not being a true argument that can easily be fact-checked, Prez Trump and his supporters are already lizard-brained on the easy attack.(and unfortunately, it works)

Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is a special character. Author, self-help guru, spiritual leader, long time liberal political contributor. She has countless meme pages due to her very special way of speaking about the issues or solving them. But if she becomes VP, no one else will be fighting astral space demons with the power of love.

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is currently the 3rd polling Democrat running for president. She is on the “Moderate” ticket. If other moderates and corporates drop out of the race, she could actually defeat Mr. Sanders. (but that will not happen) What could happen is Mrs Harris to join bernie in the hopes of being part of the “soft” revolution. Kamala scores the woman card, the color card and the west coast card.
What could hunt her down is her past as a procecutor and then as a “corporate” democrat. The die-hard progressives ans socialists could do as in 2016, go back to the Green party or simply not vote at all. Fortunately, she co-sponsored the public option in Medicare for All along with other progressive leaning pledges like decriminalizing Marijuana + criminal justice reform.

Pete Buttigieg

Peter is currently the 5th ranking progressive Democrat in the race behind Tulsi Gabbard. He is a very good speaker, very charismatic. What is worth noting is that he is openly gay and from the state of Indiana like the current VP. If he was to debate Mike Pence in the VP debate it would feel like the Star Wars scene where Obi Wan surprises General Grievous. Hello There!

Andrew Yang

The unlikely alliance with the #YangGang is another wet dream. Not likely to happen due to the huge cleavage about market and economy. The thing that oddly unites #1 and #3 progressives is the concern for the resentful white working class that turned to Trump. Yang has the color card and the west coast card. Such unlikely alliance could work.

My honest opinion is that Andrew Yang already won his initial bet. It is too soon to implement #FreeCash, but the correct time to open talk about it in the future. Yang can always run again in the future with a better name recognition.

Beto O’Rourke

I have a love and hate relationship with him. In Texas he is a die-hard progressive with fair intentions and non-apologetic liberal agenda when he faced the Zodiac Killer himself. In scope with the rest of the country tho, Beto is a white Obama who takes corporate money.
What is fascinating with him is his talent at campaigning. In a deep-red-state, he got 48% of the vote compared to 40% in 2012 and 36% in 2006. Texas could possibly turn Purple in 2024. If by any means he could seek cupport in south states, that could be wonderful. In reality, the economic grounds between Bernie and Beto are too vast to compromise.

Richard Ojeda

Richard Ojeda is a die-hard populist left who surprisingly gets the message across for conservative leaning voters, probably because he is a war veteran and speaks a spicy southern accent. His story is worth having a movie if you want my word for it. To make it short : his core issue was anti-corruption, hence why he did not hesitate to attack corporate democrats and Washington elite + Warhawks. The most heartbreaking part is when he dropped out of the Presidential race in Democratic Primary during his 2 hours livestream on facebook. (That I will not make you watch) Basically, he felt guilty of taking poor people’s money to run with very little chance to win. Chances are strong he will endorse Bernie while keeping him on watch as “Angry Ojeda” has repeatedly voted for Republican presidents due to lack of substance by Democratic leaders.
Just like Beto, he lost his election but in Congress for the West Virginia’s 3rd district. The difference is that this district is massively Republican , poor and loves Trump. He went from 24% to 44%. Apply that to Purple states in the Rustbelt and the Midwest and imagine. Polls show otherwise. Outside of West Virginia, he doesn’t get the non-white votes and women votes. That part is up to Bernie’s.



Gabriel — Tigre De Métal

Class Reductionist Left, Skeptic™, Meme Comedian, Bilingual Québecer, LGBT rights